I Dream of Burzum.

A few months back, just before Belus was released, I dreamt of helping Varg Vikernes escape from prison.

Of course the really odd thing about this is that Vikernes was already out at the time I had this dream. I suppose it was brought on by all the research and re-reading of old articles I was doing in preparation for my review of Belus. Anyway, the dream went a little something like this…

It was nighttime, middle of winter (of course). The Norwegian prison didn’t even look like a prison, more like a huge, gothic mansion. I was dressed in black commando gear, like Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2. I walked right in past the armed guards, and there was Vikernes standing there as if he had been expecting me. If anything, it appeared as though he lived a pretty normal life in the mansion and was just under house arrest, rather than being in a real prison. Even though I had blown right past the guards to get in, we still had to sneak out the back way.

We got into an old, beat up Volkswagen Beetle (presumably I had driven this to the prison) and sped away.

Of course it wasn’t long before the police were on our trail.  This is where things get really weird.  The police wore uniforms and drove in cars that were clearly US Highway Patrol.  I’m guessing this is because my subconscious has absolutely no frame of reference for what a Norwegian policeman looks like.  Anyway, we somehow managed to evade them in spite of the poorly chosen escape vehicle and pulled into the safety of a large tunnel.

We got out of the car and made a campfire in the tunnel.  This is also strange because I don’t know the first thing about camping, making fires, or the outdoors in general.  We sat around it in silence, watching it slowly burn down to nothing more than embers.  Varg abruptly got up and told me that he had to go the rest of the way alone.  I went over to the car, pulled out a black duffle bag and handed it to him.  I bid him good luck and he began to walk into the darkness of the tunnel.

And that’s when I woke up.  The dream was obviously quite vivid, although I don’t remember much, if any conversation between the two of us.  In retrospect it seems like most of the dream played out like a silent film.

I’ve been listening to Burzum for a long time, not to mention reading about Varg’s exploits.  Is he really so deeply ingrained in my psyche that he’s showing up in my dreams?  What does the fact that I had no problem assisting a convicted murderer and arsonist escape from prison say about me as a person?

I’ve always thought of dreams as just your subconsciousness’ way of randomly re-playing skewed versions of whatever happens to be floating around up there at the time.  I don’t really put much stock in the idea that they mean anything, but I would love to read some interpretations of this one.  Does anyone else out there ever have “metal dreams” and care to share them?

One thought on “I Dream of Burzum.”

  1. Hey man, I’m a little late on this one, but figured I’d reply anyway. That sounds like an awesome dream.

    I, too, have dreamt of Varg….I remember that it was in 2004 or 2005, and I dreamt that Varg and Euronymous (go figure) were at my house while the rest of my family was away. Not sure exactly why, but I had to help them bury a dead body in my backyard. The details, blurry as they are now, were quite gruesome, I believe.


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