The Beyond – Frostbitepanzerfuck (Horror Pain Gore Death Productions, 2013)

frontcoverPennsylvania-based miscreants The Beyond bill themselves as a cross between punk rock and black metal; picture for a moment GG Allin fronting ’90s Profanatica and that’s almost exactly what you’re getting with the band’s debut full length, Frostbitepanzerfuck.  When the first song on an album is called “Roto-Cunt,” and two tracks later you’re getting bashed in the skull by a cover of the aforementioned Allin’s own “Cunt Sucking Cannibal,” with “Goat Sodomizer” sandwiched in-between, you should have a pretty good idea of what you’re in for.  This is gutter-piss punk metal that wants to fill your every orifice with sticky black jism; PC police, enter at your own risk and prepare to get fucked.

What’s really interesting about The Beyond is the way in which they vary their attack over the course of the album’s brief twenty-eight odd minutes; some songs are straight-up punk, some are pure black metal, others are a complete fusion of the two styles, and they even close out the disc with a surprising doom/sludge dirge.  In some respects, this fusion could be viewed as similar to other metal/punk hybrid bands such as Midnight and Toxic Holocaust, but the icy tremolo riffs of tracks like “The Splatterhouse Maniacs” indicate that The Beyond’s black metal stylings have more to do with early Mayhem and Darkthrone, rather than the Venom influence that’s so prevalent amongst these groups.  This lends an extra layer of darkness to Frostbitepanzerfuck that makes for a bizarre yet highly potent mix when paired with the band’s ultra-crude Murder Junkies/Mentors-esque lyrics.

Primitive and offensive may be the name of the game on Frostbitepanzerfuck, but the band prove themselves to be highly competent musicians and songwriters; songs like “Necro Overload” are catchier than the clap, just be mindful of singing them aloud in polite company.  The production has grit ‘n’ grime a’plenty, as one would expect from a band plying this gruesome style, but all the instruments sit perfectly in the mix.  In true punk rock fashion, the album has a very “live” feel to it, which allows the band’s energy to fully come through and grab you by the throat.

Frostbitepanzerfuck is a killer debut; fans of everything from the Misfits to early Bathory, as well as the aforementioned current crop of substance-abusing metal punk fuck-ups, will eat this filthy black shit up; just about everyone else will run screaming in terror, and I’m pretty sure that’s exactly the way The Beyond wants it.

One thought on “The Beyond – Frostbitepanzerfuck (Horror Pain Gore Death Productions, 2013)”

  1. This is good stuff, thanks.

    “fans of everything from the Misfits to early Bathory, as well as the aforementioned current crop of substance-abusing metal punk fuck-ups”

    I fall into all of the above categories I’ll be looking into this further.


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