Destroyer 666 – Call of the Wild (Season of Mist, 2018)

Destroyer 666 released one of the year’s best pure metal albums back in 2016 with Wildfire and it appears that they have no intentions of slowing down, because they’ve released what is sure to go down as one of 2018’s best pure metal EPs in the form of Call of the Wild, a four song fist to the face that’s guaranteed to wreck your neck in under twenty minutes.

The Australian antichrists (now based in London, UK) have long been at the top of the black thrash heap, but they’ve begun to incorporate more and more of a classic heavy metal influence; indeed, Call of the Wild‘s three original songs and re-recording of “Trialed by Fire” (originally found on the excellent Terror Abraxas EP) owe much more to Venom’s first wave black metal, the gritty NWOBHM stylings of Diamond Head circa Lightning to the Nations and the goddamn mighty Motorhead than to Slayer and Sodom.  Granted, Destroyer 666 have always been old school, but with Wildfire and now Call of the Wild, they’ve staked their claim as contemporary purveyors of a hard-edged take on a timeless sound.

Of course, there’s been a veritable deluge of bands attempting to pick up the torch of classic heavy metal and run with it in the last ten years or so, but Destroyer 666 place themselves head and shoulders above the (wolf)pack by writing great songs; songs that get heads banging, fists raising and beers hoisting.  This is a band that’s been around the block more than a few times and it shows in the craftsmanship that oozes out of every nook and cranny of tracks such as “Violence is Golden” and “Stone by Stone.”  D666 aren’t fucking around and in just four quick songs they easily manage to out metal any and all pretenders to the throne.

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