Thanks to you, the loyal readers, 2011 was the best year ever for That’s How Kids Die. I can’t believe the great response the blog has gotten over the course of the last year, and I’m honored that so many of you are willing to take time out of your days and nights to read my incoherent ramblings on all things heavy metal.

So, in the spirit of giving something back to you, the readers, and to kick off another year of THKD with a bang, I am proud to announce our first ever giveaway!

THKD News, notes and nonsense.

Well it’s that time of year where things slow down considerably for me in the writing department.  I typically like to take things easy around the holidays in order to spend time with family and get all the assorted nonsense that comes with the season squared away.  So, you probably won’t be seeing much new content here at the THKD bunker between now and the first week of January, when I unleash the THKD TOP 20 METAL ALBUMS OF 2010 extravaganza.  I know a lot of other sites are already putting up their top albums lists and such, but for me personally, it ain’t over ’til it’s over, as Yogi Berra once said.  I don’t like to publish my reflections on the year until that year has actually ended.  Besides, there’s always a chance that Satan Claws could put an awesome album in my stocking that totally changes the year-end rankings.

With that said, if you have sent me an album to review recently, please be patient.  Between the holiday headaches and THKD’s mammoth year-end post, I am quite busy at the moment.  But if I have promised you a review, I am a man of my word and will definitely get one.

In what can only be called shameless self promotion of the worst possible kind, I’d like to encourage everyone to check out the THKD facebook page.  In the past I had only been using it to put up links to my reviews and such here at THKD, but I’ve decided that there is a lot more that can be done with the facebook platform.  This means that I will be using the THKD FB page to post links to metal-related news that I find interesting, cool bands I have discovered that may or may not be seeing a write-up here and plenty of other random thoughts and musings about metal that don’t necessarily warrant a full-on post at the THKD site proper.  There is also a discussion board there, so feel free to start up a topic about what you’d like to see  on THKD, tips on cools bands I should be checking out, how badly you think my writing sucks, etc.  Whatever your little black hearts desire.

Here’s a link to the THKD FB page: (I believe you have to be logged in to FB to access it, if this doesn’t work, just type That’s How Kids Die in the FB search box.)

Now is also a good time to note that I will no longer be updating the THKD myspace page.  As some of you may know, myspace recently went through a re-design that has rendered the site virtually unusable.  I don’t have the patience to deal with the shitfest that myspace has become, so if you’re a myspace friend of THKD, you might as well hop on the FB bandwagon.

Looking forward to the impending New Year, THKD already has a lot on tap.  I’m waiting on fresh interviews from Norwegian bizarro black metal practitioner Furze and Italian crust-metal road warriors Children of Technology.  I’ve also got reviews and write-ups in the pipeline featuring Wrnlrd, Sabre, Ghost and Kylesa.  I’m also very excited to talk about 2011’s first truly great death metal album, Mitochondrion’s Parasignosis.

So, although THKD is experiencing a bit of a Holiday hangover, keep watching this space for a lot of rad new content, coming sooner than you think!