Oodles of Brutals XII: Brutal on Both Sides

It’s been just a little over a month since the last Oddles of Brutals; that has to be some sort of record.  2020 continues to be a banner year for all sorts of sonic brutality, so without further ado, let’s take a look at another batch of brutal, slamming and technical death metal marvels.

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Oodles of Brutals X: In Space, No One Can Hear You Slam

Devourment for Relapse Records, January 17, 2019.

Well friends, it’s been nearly eight months since the last Oodles of Brutals, which means we’re long overdue for another deep dive into the world of all things brutal and slamming.  So without further ado…

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Enthroned – Sovereigns (Agonia Records, 2014)


Since 1993, Brussels, Belgium’s Enthroned have been motoring along like clockwork; releasing an album every 2 – 3 years, going on tour, appearing in the big metal mags and generally doing all the things typical of a mid-level band without ever seeming to reach that oh-so-difficult to quantify “next level.”  The band has always been plenty competent and occasionally even superb, yet have always seemed content with their place in the black metal rank and file, reliable and quality-consistent, but at the same time never really doing anything to distinguish themselves from their peers.  All that changed with 2012’s Obsidium, an album that felt as though Enthroned were on the verge of stepping up their game, and I’m happy to say that next step has been taken with their latest album Sovereigns.

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Nocturnal Breed – Napalm Nights (Agonia Records, 2014)


I’ll always consider myself a student of heavy metal rather than an expert, but sometimes I’m still boggled by the bands that manage to fly below my radar.  Case in point; I was entirely unfamiliar with Norwegian blackened thrash outfit Nocturnal Breed until the fine folks at Fresno Media put them right under my nose.  Surprising considering my fondness for this type of thing, but better late than never, because their latest album Napalm Nights totally rips.

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