New Burzum album imminent.

I have to admit I’m pretty damn excited about hearing some new music from Varg Vikernes now that he’s finally out of the slammer.  And unlike most “metal journalists” out there, you won’t hear any of the usual FUNderground whining of “boo hoo, he’s a terrible human being but golly gee, he sure did write some swell music… waaaaah,” from me.  No one really cares whether or not you agree with Vikernes’ actions or political beliefs, especially well over a decade after the murder of Euronymous and the church arsons in Norway.  I sure as hell don’t.  What I do care about is hearing some more Burzum, and whether or not the new album will live up to the legacy of the classic pre-incarceration material.

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New Burzum ritual Den Hvite Guden to be released in 2010.

Burzum mastermind Varg Vikernes has announced plans to release the first album of new Burzum material since 1999’s Hlidskjalf.  This will be a return to Vikernes’ metal roots (the last few Burzum albums were electronic/ambient due to Vikernes’ incarceration for murder) titled Den Hvite Guden (The White God) and will be based on the norse god Baldr.  No word on what label (if any) will be releasing the album.

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