Prelude to Year End Madness: 5 Honorable Mentions

THKD’s year end extravaganza will be published on Monday, December 17th at midnight both here and over at the THKD YouTube channel.  But as a prelude to the madness that’s about to be unleashed, I’ve decided to list out five noteworthy albums that were just a hair shy of making the cut.  So without further ado and in no particular order…

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Oodles of Brutals VII: Fear of a Slam Planet

Bloody hell, has it really been over a year since the last installment of OOB? Seems a little crazy since brutal death metal in all its wondrous guises has long been a major part of THKD’s bread and butter. But rather than lament the fact that these features are few and far between due to the laziness of yours truly over the past few years, let’s delve into what’s new and bludgeoning in the world of brutal death metal, slam, etc…

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