Behemoth – The Satanist (Metal Blade, 2014)

behemoth - the satanist cover

I hadn’t intended to review The Satanist; Behemoth has long been a favorite band of mine and I had planned to enjoy their first new recording in five years purely as a fan. Sometimes it’s good to just kick back and blast an album at top volume without having to analyze its every nook and cranny, and I was looking forward to doing just that.  But the thing is, while I certainly didn’t expect Behemoth to disappoint, I also didn’t expect them to take such a stunning turn, releasing one of their best albums to date a full twenty-three years deep into their career.

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Our cancer year.

The news of Behemoth frontman Nergal (aka Adam Darski) being diagnosed with leukemia hits more than close to home (much like Ronnie James Dio’s diagnosis of stomach cancer in 2009).  In metal, we often venerate men like Nergal and RJD to the level of superheroes, invincible warriors fighting the good fight in the name of our beloved music.  We must remember that they are also human beings, susceptible to the same rules and laws of nature that effect us mere mortals.  They are someone’s Father, Brother, Uncle, Cousin, Son, Grandson or best friend.

Although I do not know Nergal or his family personally, I have experienced firsthand the hardships that I imagine them to be going through in this difficult time.  I’m guessing many of you out there have similar stories involving loved ones, or may even be cancer survivors yourselves.

I lost my Grandma Betty to cancer in 2005.  Not only did she help raise me, she was in many ways my best friend.  She was the one person on this Earth that I felt I could always confide in, the one person that would always listen to my thoughts, ideas and harebrained schemes and offer nothing but support and sound advice.  My Grandmother was by no means a metal fan (her favorite singers were Patsy Cline, John Denver and Elvis Presley), but she always wanted to know the names of the bands I was listening to or going to see in concert.  I seem to remember her being quite amused by the fact that I liked a band called Goatwhore.

I have also lost a Cousin, an Uncle and Great Uncle to battles with cancer.  My wife’s Uncle is recovering from having a brain tumor partially removed as we speak.  He is a Vietnam veteran, a Purple Heart recipient and one of the friendliest and most genuine people you could ever hope to meet.

It is for this reason that I encourage all of you to learn all you can about cancer, what can be done to prevent it and how you can help those that are struggling with this terrible ailment.  Cancer is a horrific disease.  It causes immeasurable pain and suffering, often taking our friends and loved ones from us before their times. It’s about time we all started working together to kick the shit out of it.

The American Cancer Society
National Cancer Institute
The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
National Marrow Donor Program