Ester SegarraIf there’s one thing I hate doing, it’s writing intros to interviews.  Fortunately, Paradise Lost is a band that needs no introduction.  The death/doom/gothic metal pioneers have been releasing great music for nearly three decades now, and that enduring legacy continues with their latest full length, The Plague Within, which is out June 1st via Century Media.  Legendary vocalist Nick Holmes graciously answered my questions about their stunning new album via e-mail.

THKD: Tell us about the new album, The Plague Within. The tracks I’ve heard so far sound/feel like a return to the band’s roots. What were your goals for this release? Was there anything specific you set out to accomplish?

Nick Holmes: We just tried to capture the spirit of the old days without forgetting everything else that has happened over the last 20 years. I don’t think the album is back to our roots as such, as we couldn’t have written an album like this 25 years ago.

THKD: Paradise Lost’s sound has changed significantly over the years. Have the changes been a conscious choice by the band or a natural evolution? What have been the most pivotal points in the band’s progression up to this point and how did that progression translate into the creation of The Plague Within?

NH: Everything is just evolution. Certain albums have taken us in significant directions, I guess Icon was probably the first album to do that, and we continued that style until One Second. It’s too early to see if this album will be a new progression.

THKD: How did the writing and recording process for The Plague Within differ from that of previous Paradise Lost albums? Were there any difficulties or obstacles along the way to creating the album or are you guys able to do this in your sleep at this point?

NH: Writing is always tough as we are our own worst critics and set the bar very high. The writing process is always the same: there are no rules and it’s about writing a good song, doesn’t matter how it’s achieved, sometimes the simplest songs are the hardest to nail down.

THKD: Do you have a favorite song or moment on The Plague Within? What is it about that particular song or moment that makes it stand out for you?

NH: No, I don’t look at the album in that way; we write the full album and let other people dissect it!

THKD: You released a video for “Beneath Broken Earth,” a track which has a great old school death/doom vibe to it. How did you choose this song for the video and what was your motivation to do a stripped-down performance video for the track?

NH: Our label chose it as it’s a strong song. Pretending to headbang etc is just ridiculous with such a slow song, so we played it like the way we play it when we rehearse to make it a more authentic performance.

THKD: At this point Paradise Lost has been going strong for nearly thirty years. What do you do in order to keep things fresh and interesting for yourself after almost three decades of being in the same band? How does your approach to Paradise Lost in 2015 differ from how you approached being a part of the band in 1988?

NH: The approach isn’t that different as we still care greatly about our music and are passionate about it. Any cynicism that has crept in is purely from the business side of things. Above all, you have to have a thick skin.

THKD: Unlike many other long-standing extreme metal bands, Paradise Lost’s lineup has remained more or less intact since its inception. How have you managed to keep the band together with 4/5 of the original lineup for so long?

NH: Ironically, a sense of humor plays a big part of things, as it should for every relationship, in my opinion. The fact that we started off as friends, before we started the band, has also helped us stay together for so long.

Ester Segarra

THKD: With so many bands currently doing the death/doom hybrid style, the influence of Paradise Lost on the modern metal scene is undoubtedly vast. What are your thoughts on the current state of metal and the legions of bands that owe their entire careers to you?

NH: Things seem to be about hype more than anything these days, some really shitty bands being bigged up while great bands [are] falling by the wayside. I like what I like and I don’t care if they are new or old, big or small. But there is so much stuff out there right now, I’d hate to be a teenager having to siphon through the millions of bands I’m told I must listen to!

THKD: What touring plans does Paradise Lost have in support of The Plague Within? Will you be making it over to the US?

NH: Big European tour later in the year and hopefully we can do something in the States in 2016, fingers crossed!

THKD: What are you currently listening to? Do you have any recommendations for THKD’s readers?

NH: Pallbearer!

THKD: Are there any final thoughts you’d like to add?

NH: Thanks for the support, all the best!

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