RIP THKD 2009 – 2022

Well friends, it’s been quite a run, but all good things must come to an end eventually. After thirteen years, it’s time to lay THKD to rest.

I feel like I’ve accomplished everything I set out to accomplish with THKD and more. I got to interview legendary bands that mean the world to me, such as Darkthrone, Wind of the Black Mountains, Aura Noir and Summoning. I got to review hundreds of great albums from established bands like Amorphis, Napalm Death and Cannibal Corpse, as well as turn folks on to lesser knowns acts like Ye Goat-Herd Gods, Whiskey & Funeral and Soils of Fate. I spent over a decade documenting a pretty good chunk of the metal scene and dammit, I did it my way.

There’s an old cliche that says when one door closes another one opens, but in this case, the cliche holds true. Even though I’m nailing the coffin lid shut for good on THKD, I’ve started a YouTube channel called Oodles of Brutals and if you liked my dumb blog about metal then hopefully you’ll like my dumb videos about metal too. I’ll warn you though, OOB is fun, positive and a bit little goofy, so if you’re one of those fun-hating metalheads, you might want to sit this one out. I’ll also be writing over on Blogger on the increasingly rare occasions when the mood strikes me, but it won’t necessarily be about metal.

Lastly, I want to thank everybody that stuck with THKD through all the ups and downs, name changes, identity crises, at least one short lived retirement and all the other bullshit I put my loyal readers through over the years. It means the world to me that y’all liked what I was doing enough to check it out on the regular, especially when there were bigger, better, more well connected and well funded metal blogs out there. I’ll see you all down the road.

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