THKD World Premier: Manipulator – “Passing the River”

Crawling out of the darkest depths of the underground, France’s Manipulator is a one man death metal entity that will appeal to fans of ugly and atmospheric DM practitioners such as Teitanblood, Void Meditation Cult and Antediluvian.  Multi-instrumentalist M. creates a musical landscape mired in morbid filth, all blackened, buzzing distortion and howls of unholy agony.

“Passing the River” is the opening track from Voidbound, Manipulator’s debut MCD which is being released 03/16/12 by the venerable Soulseller Records.  The song is a hazy blast of lo-fi claustrophobia that epitomizes Manipulator’s sickeningly primitive approach; the EP might be called Voidbound, but “Passing the River” sounds like Manipulator has already been to the abyss and back.  In addition to the three brand new original tracks and a diseased cover of Darkthrone’s “Cromlech,” the CD release also includes 2009’s Unearthed demo which is nasty as hell.  You can stream “Passing the River” in full below.  Enjoy or die. [note: the metal kicks in around the one minute mark]

2 thoughts on “THKD World Premier: Manipulator – “Passing the River””

  1. OK, this was pretty good, but has a bit of a patchwork feel to it with two widely disparate recordings tacked together. I actually prefer the demo, which sounds a bit like a more polished version of In The Sign Of Evil (although, more than a couple of riffs appear lifted straight from that EP).

    Still a ways to go to compete with the likes of Teitanblood, though.


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