Backlit 3 / Summer 2014 issue out now!


After much trial and tribulation, I am excited to announce that the Summer 2014 issue of Backlit zine is alive.

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Esoterica – Aseity (Forever Plagued Records, 2013)

Esoterica - Aseity

Getting a package in the mail from Forever Plagued Records is always a pleasant surprise.  Over the past few years, they’ve quietly become a force to be reckoned with, releasing albums by some of the finest bands the US black metal underground has to offer, such as Demoncy, Darkest Grove and Incursus.  Their latest offering is Aseity, the debut album from Philadelphia, PA’s Esoterica, a recording that not only continues Forever Plagued’s hot streak of killer USBM releases, but also raises the bar.
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