Backlit 3 / Summer 2014 issue out now!


After much trial and tribulation, I am excited to announce that the Summer 2014 issue of Backlit zine is alive.

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Nemorensis – The Lady in the Lake (Sol y Nieve, 2014)


Nemorensis is about as obscure an entity as it gets these days; the band isn’t on Metal Archives and their Bandcamp page offers no biographical information whatsoever, with only a “USA” tag betraying their country of origin.  As far as I can tell, said page is their only internet presence, making them truly inscrutable in an era where every band no matter how big or small seems to be waging full-on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/etc war in order to gain listeners.   Their music is an equally enigmatic brew of baleful ambience and lo-fi black metal, making The Lady in the Lake, their debut for up-and-coming cassette label Sol y Nieve that much more intriguing.

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