Wormed – Krighsu (Season of Mist, 2016)

Let’s just get it out of the way; Wormed is the best brutal death metal band on the planet.  They proved themselves to be head and shoulders above the blast-beat ridden competition with the release of 2013’s Exodromos, an album that raised the bar for the subgenre to an almost impossibly high standard and was one of that year’s best albums.  Fast-forward three years, and the Spaniards have returned from the maw of the black hole to cement their supremacy with Krighsu.

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Wormed – Exodromos (Willowtip, 2013)

WORMED COVERHard to believe it’s been a decade since Wormed took us into the maw of the death metal black hole with Planisphaerium; in that time, numerous bands have attempted to rip off the quintet’s science fiction-influenced brutality, but none have been able to measure up to the intergalactic maelstrom these Spaniards were capable of unleashing so effortlessly with their stunning debut.  At last, Wormed’s long-awaited sophomore album Exodromos is about to drop via that exalted bastion of mind-altering extreme metal known as Willowtip Records, and to say it was worth the wait would probably be the understatement of the year.

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