Wormed – Krighsu (Season of Mist, 2016)

Let’s just get it out of the way; Wormed is the best brutal death metal band on the planet.  They proved themselves to be head and shoulders above the blast-beat ridden competition with the release of 2013’s Exodromos, an album that raised the bar for the subgenre to an almost impossibly high standard and was one of that year’s best albums.  Fast-forward three years, and the Spaniards have returned from the maw of the black hole to cement their supremacy with Krighsu.

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Oodles of Brutals IV: Brutal-Fu, da Return


Holy shit you guys, I haven’t done one of these brutal/tech/slam death metal roundup features since 2014!  Wasn’t this supposed to be a semi-regular feature?!  I guess 2014 was also the year that I realized I’m far too disorganized/scatterbrained to pull off regular features, so they’re more like whenever-I-feel-like-it features and apparently I haven’t felt like it in almost two years.

Continue reading “Oodles of Brutals IV: Brutal-Fu, da Return”